Monday, January 01, 2007

Crime Story Collection - Chapter Preview

(Penguin Longman Active Reading)
By Sara Paretsky

Three is a Lucky Number
Margery Allingham
This was the difficult bit. The discovery of the body must be made, but not too soon.

At five o'clock on a September afternoon Ronald Torbay was making preparations for his third murder. He was being very careful. He realized that murdering people becomes more dangerous if you do it often.
He was in the bathroom of the house he had recently rented. For a moment he paused to look in the mirror. The face that looked back at him was thin, middle-aged, and pale. Dark hair, a high forehead and well-shaped blue eyes. Only the mouth was unusual - narrow and quite straight. Even Ronald Torbay did not like his own mouth.
A sound in the kitchen below worried him. Was Edyth coming up to have her bath before he had prepared it for her? No, it was all right; she was going out of the back door. From the window he saw her disappearing round the side of the house into the small garden. It was exactly like all the other gardens in the long street. He didn't like here to be alone there. She was a shy person, but now new people had moved into the house next door, and there was a danger of some silly woman making friends with her. He didn't want that just now.

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